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2023 Showcase


NHBOE meeting on November 13

NHCM members spoke up about our environmental gratitude and concerns as we testified at the NHBOE meeting on November 13 to push for the hiring of climate staff. With the holiday season approaching, we took the time to reflect on things we are grateful for that may not be around a decade or two from now.


Annual FFF event September 15th

The event started with Mayor Elicker declaring September 17- Climate Action Day for the city of New Haven. We then began a rally led by the event's emcees and then heard from NHCM youth speakers and Yale students

2022 Showcase

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March 25th BoE Climate Emergency Resolution Press Event


In March 2022, NHCM had a press event advocating for the BoE Climate Emergency Resolution to be passed. New Haven Alderman Steve Winter, president of the New Haven Teachers Union Leslie Blatteau, and youth activists emphasized the importance of the NHBOE taking accountability for the school district's contributions to climate change. Read the full article here.

2021 Showcase

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September 24th New Haven Act Now - Climate Rally 
On Friday, September 24th, at 4 pm, we will hold a climate rally titled New Haven Act Now in alignment with Fridays For Future, the global call for youth and adults to strike and take action. It will be held to avert climate chaos and demand that Mayor Elicker take action. The event will take place at the New Haven Green and end at New Haven City Hall. Join us as we come together to demand change and address the climate crisis!

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July 29th Federal Funds Strike 
On Thursday, July 29th, 2021, we will hold a strike in front of the New Haven City Hall to call for climate action by the mayor. This Earth Overshoot Day, we will demand federal funds be used for climate change mitigation through the New Haven Rescue Plan, so that our generation and future generations can live in a clean, climate-friendly city.
Join us as we protest for a better, cleaner, and more sustainable future!


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NHCM Climate Art Opening
On Saturday, July 24th, we will hold an Art Opening at the Wooster Square location of the CitySeed Farmer's market. Join us as we celebrate the artwork of NHPS students and create more art!
This event is in preparation for the July 29th Federal Funds Strike, and we will be creating artwork for the strike, as well as petition and promote the event.
As this event takes place at the CitySeed Farmer's Market, you can also purchase organic, locally-produced food at the stands!


2019-2020 Showcase

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A time of Creativity, Reflection, Healing, Appreciation, Fun, Community and Action.

Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! We have assembled schedule of actions to celebrate Earth Day from your home. Check out our schedule here. 

Also, add to public expression of care for our Earth by chalking, sign making, home/yard decoration.  Info here.

Take Action: Send postcards (template) or letter (template) to elected leaders demanding CT Green New Deal for economic recovery.

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What does the Climate Crisis mean to you? What climate action do you want to see?


Submit a Climate Emergency themed artwork, tiktok, or essay to be featured on our social media platforms and have a chance to win an awesome prize to a local business. View full contest and prize details here.  

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Girls Speak Out for Climate Justice  March 9th


Speech Videos: Kiana; Lina; Adrian; Bella; Libby; Sena.

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September 20, 2019. 4pm PM. New Haven Green. Corner of Church and Chapel Sts. Join us in the global call to Unite in Climate Action. Wear black in solidarity with the victims of climate change.


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The NH Board of Alders voted unanimously to pass our Climate Emergency Resolution.  See article in NH Independent here and NH Register here.


The public hearing in front of the CSEP Committee of the Board of Alders ended with an unanimous vote to pass our climate emergency resolution out of committee. 

Read the Independent article here


July 25, 2019. 5 PM. Corner of Grand Ave and Ferry St. New Haven. 

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Read the New Haven Register article here and Read the New Haven Independent article here.

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